Previous school records
Copy of birth certificate
Official state immunization form or letter explaining religious objection
Official school entry medical form (physical)
Agreement with the statement of faith
Registration in person
Curriculum: Chosen by the parent
Attendance report: Annually K-8th; Semi-annually 9th-12th
Grades report: Annually K-8th; Semi-annually 9th-12th
Registration area: Within a 1 1/2 hour drive.
Yearly Standardized Testing (2nd-9th Terra Nova 3 Test) (10th-12th ACT)
K-8th registration – $65 per student ($195.00 maximum per family)
9th-grade through 12th-grade registration – $250 for the first student
Additional high school students in the same family – $200 per student
1st-grade through 9th-grade testing – $55 per student
Late registration fee for high school – $50 per family
Late registration fee for elementary school – $25 per family
Transfer fee for “New” high school students – $50 per family
Transfer fee for “New” elementary school students – $25 per family